Developing Cluster Initiative

Developing Cluster Initiative
3 июня 2015
In the beginning of June Metal Processing Cluster of north-eastern Poland initiated concluding the agreement with Viktoria Foundation. The parties agreed to cooperate in the following areas: promoting the idea of ​​clustering and cooperative partnership, exchanging experiences between coordinators and cluster membership organizations, strengthening the network relations between enterprises members of the cluster (cluster initiative), local government, research institutions and scientific and business environment institutions, as well as implementing and disseminating innovative technologies among enterprises and research institutions. Metal Processing Cluster (with head-office in Byalystok) unites nearly 95 companies, R & D units and business environment institutions of ​​north-eastern Poland (mainly from the provinces of Podlasie, Warmia-Mazury and Lublin), operating in the metalworking industry, both in services, trade and manufacturing. Among the members of the cluster are domestic and world leaders manufacturing machines and equipment with high innovative potential for development.

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