The Foundation Victoria became an official representative Office of the Małopolska Region in Kaliningrad.
In 2013, the Foundation Victoria received an invitation and took part in an international competition for the right to establish a representative office of the Małopolska region within the framework of the project by the Małopolska Regional Development Agency, financed from the EU funds. Of the six candidates, three were chosen, including Riga, Lviv and Kaliningrad.
The mission of the representative office is to inform the enterprises and citizens of the Russian Federation about the possibilities and proposals of Malopolska, especially in the field of tourism and business activities, creating conditions for better interaction between representatives of business and science, higher and secondary educational institutions.
Malopolska is one of the 16 Polish regions, located in the south of Poland and bordered by Slovakia. The capital of the region is Krakow - an important cultural, scientific and economic center with a great development dynamics, a convenient place to host business.